expositie schilderijen van Waseem Sallam
In de foyers van Stadsschouwburg Nijmegen is een expositie te zien met schilderijen van Waseem Sallam tot en met 17 april.
Waseem Sallam
"My name is Waseem Khalifa Amhimed Sallam, a Libyan visual artist in my mid thirties. I was born in Libya on October 2, 1985, and later moved to the Netherlands, where I currently live and work. I studied Business Management, but chose to dedicate my life to art, using the canvas as a means to express my profound and complex understanding of art and life.
My art is an ongoing dialogue with the world about life and existence, viewed through a philosophical lens on human experience. Through my works, I aim to present art as a means to understand the self and engage with society, striving to be a bridge between cultures and ideas, encouraging viewers to reflect on the profound messages my paintings convey."